Thursday, 30 October 2014

Overcoming Addiction

Addiction often comes like a compelling, driving force, a compulsive behaviour. Those challenged with addictions are always looking for ways in overcoming addiction. This is because addictive behaviour is often harmful to the individual concerned and also their relationships. 
overcoming addiction
Too much sugar in your coffee?

With addictive behaviour there is extreme self-focus. In other words, people challenged with addictions can have a tunnel vision, thinking of themselves and not the impact they have on others.

Compulsive behaviour feeds on itself. It attracts all sorts of other compulsive behaviour. For example, (and this is an example), someone addicted to gambling may also find themselves lying to their spouse, making high risk financial decisions and so on.

Addictions however, are not always something extreme like overindulgence in alcohol, gambling or smoking, which we know are harmful. One can be addicted to coffee., to sugar, cakes and so on. One can be also addicted to the internet or addicted to the television. On the face of it, none of these are necessarily wrong or evil. But where its constant use or indulgence begins to control your life or even harm your health, then there may be an addictive behaviour developing!

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